How to make money from youtube

Create a Channel

Choose a niche you’re passionate about and create a YouTube channel focused on that topic.

Build an Audience

Produce engaging, high-quality videos that attract viewers. Consistently upload content to grow your subscriber base.

Join the YouTube Partner Program

Once you have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months, apply to the YouTube Partner Program to start monetizing your channel.

Enable Ads

Activate Google AdSense on your channel to earn money from ads shown on your videos.

Use Affiliate Marketing

Include affiliate links in your video descriptions to earn commissions from sales generated through your links.

Offer Channel Memberships

Provide exclusive content or perks for subscribers who pay a monthly fee.

Sell Merchandise

Design and sell branded merchandise using YouTube’s merchandise shelf feature.

Seek Sponsorships

Collaborate with brands for sponsored content, where you promote their products or services in your videos for a fee.